Navigating the Data with Pandas
Talk, Webinar, Zoom
Talk, Webinar, Zoom
Talk, School of Digital Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, School of Digital Science
Half-day workshop on Advanced Excel 365 on Advanced Excel Features.
Talk, IEEE, online
This talk is for IEEE Delhi.
Talk, ICRTC-2021, Compucom Institute of Information Technology & Management, Jaipur, India, Google Meet
Keynote Speech at International Conference (Virtual) Recent Trends in Computing (ICRTC-2021), Compucom Institute of Information Technology & Management, Jaipur, India
Talk, Department of Information Technology, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, MS Teams
A webinar on introduction to deep learning and practical implementation of neural network and convolutional neural network in MNIST dataset.
Talk, The Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI), AITI Office, Brunei Darussalam
The talk covered topics related to a talk on Prior Art Search, Patentability Criteria, and introduction to Patent Drafting.
Talk, IEEE,
The webinar was conducted by IEEE Collaborate Group on the white paper related to protecting Internet Traffic.